The Greenland paddle, affectionately known as the ‘Stick’, by some sea kayakers, is making a comeback. The Inuits crafted this style of blade a long long time ago, and it’s been evolving ever since. This elongated blade with its aerofoil shape is a precision paddling tool, and in many cases misunderstood by modern sea kayakers. To counter the negative vibe from euro and wing sea kayak paddlers, a dedicated few have developed a cult following of the Greenland paddle.

This group call themselves TooTs, an acronym derived from the following five words, The Order Of The Stick. Formed on the beachhead of Rickett’s Point, Melbourne, Australia on the wee hours of one morning paddle, TooTs, brings more then just Greenland paddling excellence and style to sea kayaking, it also brings fun!
One member of the TooTs brigade during the C
OVID-19 lock downs in Victoria, started to draw kayak cartoons and never looked back. These are now available for members of the public to purchase and enjoy. For those that dawn the TooTs graphics, you will be set for conversations where ever you go.

  • The Dolphin Thumbnail
  • Lightning TooTs Thumbnail
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